Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Trip - Information about an individual public transit trip
printf( "%s %s -> %s\n", $trip->type, $trip->line // q{}, $trip->dest_name ); for my $stop ( $trip->route ) { ...; }
version 3.08
Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Trip describes a single trip / journey of a public transport line.
Most accessors return undef if the corresponding data is not available.
Operator name.
Product name.
Product class.
Trip or line name.
Line identifier. Note that this is not necessarily numeric.
Trip/journey number.
Transport / vehicle type, e.g. "RE" or "Bus".
Unique(?) trip ID
Name of the trip's destination stop
ID of the trip's destination stop
List of Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Stop(3pm) objects describing the route of this trip.
Note: The EFA API requires a stop to be specified when requesting trip details. The stops returned by this accessor appear to be limited to stops after the requested stop; earlier ones may be missing.
Returns a new Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Trip object. You should not need to call this.
Allows the object data to be serialized to JSON.
This module is a Work in Progress. Its API may change between minor versions.
Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Birte Kristina Friesel <>
This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.