Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route - Single route (connection) between two points
for my $route ( $efa->routes ) { for my $part ( $route->parts ) { # $part is a Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part object } }
version 2.24
Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route describes a single method of getting from one point to another. It holds a bunch of Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part(3pm) objects describing the parts of the route in detail. Each part depends on the previous one.
You usually want to acces it via $efa->routes
route duration as string in HH:MM format
Returns a list of Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part(3pm) elements describing the actual route
Type of the required ticket for this route, if available (empty string otherwise)
ticket price for an adult in EUR
ticket price for a child in EUR
on-vehicle time (excluding waiting time) of the route in minutes
None known.
Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm), Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part(3pm).
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Birte Kristina Friesel <>
This program is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.